Epic fail making Einkorn bread
I tried some random recipe off of pinterest for an einkorn bread. Little did I know, I didn’t have the leniency to let the bread rise a little longer than was stated in the recipe.
Not only did the dough turned out to be a crazy sticky mess, most of the mixed dough was washed away in the sink because so much stuck to my hands or was left in the bowl because I just didn’t have the energy to scrape it all out.
Needless to say, the dough rose beautifully only to have fallen flat like a pancake in the oven. The picture really doesnt really portray this well.
I am glad einkorn wasn’t my first grain of choice when learning how to make bread. I probably would have given up.
So my friend Becky shared with me some tips. A few like: don’t overmix the flour. Just mix enough to incorporate the ingredients and don’t let it rise too long. Becky proceeded to share a bread recipe with me. Maybe I’ll have better luck next time.